I have been pondering a lot lately on what it’s going to be like to live with Father in the spirit realm. When there is no longer me on this earth, when it is only my spirit with my Father and how extremely different that’s going to be. I think I will still be me, but the transformation that will occur once my flesh is no longer and only my spirit body exists. It is somewhat freaky to think about, but I am no longer afraid of death. I am no longer afraid of God. I now feel completely at peace about leaving my flesh suit behind and find that my spirit will meet Father. I almost think that living as a spirit being will be more natural and finding my identity in God will be more visible or easier to live in. I was raised with the thought of dying was a fearful thing and God was a figure that would scare the hell out of you if you didn’t believe in Him. People would use hell as a weapon for us to conform and come to Jesus on bended knee. That strategy does NOT work, because through that, God is only looked at as an angry mean God who will wipe people off the planet if they don’t go to Him and repent. The thing that I am more scared of than that is the ultimate thought of not having relationship with Him. It’s not really hell that scares me, but the total separation of not being close to my Father that scares the daylights out of me. I have full confidence that I belong to God and I know that I am in His arms and nothing can or will separate me from Him at this point, but furthermore, the fact that others out there don’t realize how much their Maker desire’s them and wants to be close to them is literally spiritually threatening. Recently I have watched some You Tube video’s on people being raised from the dead and others who have had dreams of going to hell and how relevant it was not being able to have any relationship or dialogue what so ever with Father, but not only that, but the worst fears one has ever had will happen there in hell. That’s hard to think about, but the way this guy explained it, it became so real to me that I haven’t forgotten that. Not that I am fearful of hell in itself, but not being able to be with my Father is now the worst thought I think I have ever had. Having security in Father’s love is I think the key to living a satisfied and amazing life with Father on this earth. If one is always stepping on egg shells through life because they think God is an angry and condemning God, then what a life, living in fear of God does not sound pleasant or satisfying to me. It sounds awful and I almost find that those who don’t even know God are better off. Not that they are right either, but they definitely don’t have as much as a fear factor attached to life compared to those who can’t live in complete peace and harmony with Father.
Give up on fear; it won’t lead you anywhere, but only farther away from Father and away from a satisfying life with Him here on earth.
Worry and Idolatry
15 hours ago
Very thought provoking blog post.
First, I do love your sheer expression of looking forward to when we shall live in a new glorified body. But, I must say, one thing that thing that you didn't much mention is that we won't be just living as "spirits" in the sense of having no body.
What I have learned from scipture, is that we WILL still have a body, but it will be glorified. Now, of course, nobody knows exactly what this will look like. However, I do think it will be somewhat similar to our bodies today. Why? Because in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve existed in a "body" that was meant to be eternal. It was only when they were cast out of the Garden, due to their sin, that they lost this eternal body. When they were cast out, they were able to experience death of the human body. Before then, they weren't. As well, when Christ was resurrected, he was resurrected in a physical body. It was gloried, yes, but it was still a body. For the apostles he visited, they actually physically touched the wounds of the nail marks in his hands. And, He is now up in Heaven IN this glorified, spiritual yet also physical body.
Secondly, you mentioned the You Tube videos you've recently seen about people being risen from the dead. My dear sister, although I thoroughly understand that it is completely your choice, I would just encourage you not to watch those. Why? Because I solidly believe those experiences are not done in a spirit of our Father. There is much being done by people who "say" they are Christians, who really are working in a spirit of our enemy.
Besides, what feelings are those elicting in you? Fear. Does Papa really desire His children to engage in such experiences, by our choice? I really don't think so, because it is inciting something that is contrary to Truth and Love...contrary to Him.
Just some of my thoughts here sister. Again, I just want to state that in no way here am I saying these things to "correct" you or "warn" you.
I'm just saying them because I love you, and my heart felt an impression to.
~Amy :)
Amy, Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
First, I would like to say that when I was talking about the spiritual realm I was not thinking about having a body per-say in that sense, but I was focusing on the whole spiritual experience in and of itself. I think that we will have new bodies as well, I just didn't elaborate on that aspect.
Second, I was very cautious about the video's I watched and also prayed about them as well, and I felt Father giving me peace about them. They weren't your typical scare tactic video's of hell but were interviews that seemed real and authentic. Also, the guy who had the dream about hell was also like that, very real in the way he was telling his story! Not everything I see I believe, and I am now very more cautious than I have ever been according to stories and theologies that I hear are told due to religiosity and based on someone's ideas and not of God's Truth.
Anyway, thanks for your thoughts...
In Freedom, Nicole!
I have come to a position and have told many:
I just want to be where He is. Hell to me, is His absence.
It would break my heart to no end not to be where He is. It is a total separation of Him and His love which I find unbearable - all else seems inconsequential.
Thanks for clarifying! I know you are smart and listen to the Holy Spirit. In no way did I mean to insinuate anything that would hint otherwise. I do want to say, you paint such beautiful pictures of things in your blogs, Nicole. Have you written poetry before?
~Amy :)
Hey Amy, actually no I have never really written poetry, I guess things just come to me and so I write when they do!
Thank you for commenting. You really are a great blogger and always know the right things to say! I appreciate your comments and you did not offend me at all! That is what the family of Christ is for, to bounce things off of each other and to get a second opinion or look on things!
Thanks a lot Amy!
Love Always, your sister, Nicole!
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