1 Corinthians 4:12-13
When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world.
Not just refused by the world, but what about by those who share the same faith and those we call brother and sister in the Lord? Is this normal? Does this really happen? Yes, unfortunately this is true for some. I can only speak out of personal experience, and I have to say that perhaps some Christians aren’t as holy as they think or are cracked up to be. I know we all live out of the flesh now and again, but what I can’t understand is how can some Christians justify this kind of behavior as something that had to be done? I find that this behavior can destroy and bury relationships to no end. Not taking responsibility for ones actions and pouring the problem on the other person is what I call slanderous; forgivable, but slanderous. I have come to a place in my journey where I find myself to be scum of the earth, not to sound too self righteous, for that is not where my heart is, but I find this all to be a huge growing experience for me in my journey with Father. It’s been a painful, yet in some weird way, satisfying experience. Somehow I may be treated like scum of the earth, but I find that Father is still there by my side and through it all, I find my feet on solid ground. I can’t say I have arrived, hardly, for this thing we call life is a journey and through that journey I am growing and will continue to do so until Father takes me away!
Psalm 90
1 day ago
I caught something very interesting on TV this past weekend...I have been digesting the significance of it and have been very much humbled...
There is apparently somebody called Father Geoff Boyle? if memory serves me right who is working with street gang guys in LA...believe the vehicle is called Homeboy Industries....
Someone asked him...'are you not being taking advantage of?'....his reply put me on my seat...
"No, I am not being taken advantage of ... I lay my advantage down"
Wow...sounds familiar...no man takes my life...I lay it down...
I realized how much flesh I still have and how alive the "I" is in me....
off for more crucification....
Thanks for sharing this verse and what Father's showing you!!!
We do seem to grow the most through suffering...(when we learn to embrace it and it's lessons) This statement you wrote- "Not taking responsibility for ones actions and pouring the problem on the other person is what I call slanderous..." is profound...
I liked what Walking church shared too, what Father Boyle said--
"No, I am not being taken advantage of ... I lay my advantage down"
Walking Church, wow, such profound and outstanding thoughts. Thank you for sharing them with me!!! I agree with Manuela! I love what he had to say about laying down my advantage. Still learning, and still processing!
Manu, it is so true that we grow when we are suffering the most...
Like I said before I find it somewhat satisfying to see the growth that is happening out of the pain that I am going through! So worth it though!
Hey Nicky.
I don't think it's anything new really. Believers in Corinth were suing each other! And Paul talks about accepting the wrong done to you. We're to forgive as we have been forgiven. As hard as it is to swallow lol.
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