Today I went to work leaving my cell-phone at home. It was tragic! I never leave my phone at home when I leave… but when this happens, I feel naked, or something. I found myself dreading the thought that I actually forgot my phone, it felt like something huge was missing, and I think I am beginning to realize that I am more dependent on it than on anything else. It’s weird how easy it is to rely on a phone because I am constantly thinking that I need to either call someone or someone is trying to call me and I have to be available if that happens. I think maybe the reason why I forgot it today was because maybe God was like, “why don’t you talk to me, I’m right here, you don’t need to dial a number to reach me, I am right here waiting.” Don’t get me wrong, I think cell-phones are a HUGE blessing and I am so privileged to be able and dial anyone up anywhere, at anytime and that is a very good thing, unless this dependency becomes more important than on our dependency we have on Father, because it is so easy to call up a friend and say I have an issues and I need to talk about this, instead of first calling on Father instead. I absolutely believe Father has put people in our lives to share things with, but, if that become more important than talking to him than that can become a problem. Maybe God wanted me to forget my phone today because He knew how much I really needed to talk to him. I really do think God wanted me to forget my phone because maybe he thought, “well, if Nicole leaves her phone at home today, then that will give her a chance to actually talk to me.” Relying on my phone as the main source of communication to the outside world is fine and I don’t have a problem with it, but depending on Father and the open communication we have between us has taken me places I can only imagine going! This journey with Father only happens if I truly depend on him to guide me and help me along the way!
I love it and totally agree. I can't stand leaving it behind but then I remember how it really wasn't that long ago and cell phones weren't the norm. I often think if I could do without one. I think life would slow down a bit and you're right. I might just talk to Father more in the silence than reach for the phone any where anytime and call a friend or family. I am glad you got a quiet moment that you didn't plan on to talk to Him!!! I love how He surprises us that way and opens our eyes to it!
Lindsay! Welcome and thank you for coming by! I took some time to look at your blogs and you and your family are beautiful! I love what you have to say, and I am so glad you found me! Thanks for your input, it always blesses me to hear that others are experiencing similar things!
In Freedom, Nicole!
Great post, Nicki, and I can really relate. I misplaced my cell phone several weeks ago and had to go to work without it. Wow! I was worried.
Actually, I don't use my cell phone a lot. For me, it's really a security issue.
I don't like driving in unfamiliar areas and, a number of years ago, I went to a friend's house. She lives out in the country and I had never been there before so I was quite nervous about going there by myself.
I got even more stressed when I realized that the charge on my phone was low. I was really getting a bit paranoid thinking that I was out in the middle of nowhere and what would I do if I had car trouble and couldn't use my cell phone.
As I was thinking about this, it dawned on me that I was trusting my cell phone more that I was trusting God. Things that at one time were just conveniences have now in a lot of ways become substitutes for God.
Oh, so true Aida. I tend to forget that Father is in control in all situations and not depending on him is pretty lame, but yet, it is so easy to depend on things such as cell-phones more than God because of the convenience it offers!
Good thoughts!
In Freedom, Nicole!
I can relate too. :) As with Aida, I don't use my cell phone a lot. (I really don't even use my house phone much at all either). But I have mine with me all the time, "just in case," and I feel lost if I forget to bring it along.
And I've sensed similar thoughts as yours when it comes to the radio or my mp3 player. I drive for a living, so those things are wonderful to have. But sometimes I scan through the radio stations 20 times and there's "nothing good on the radio," or I forget my mp3 player, and it's such a dilemma, you know?! How am I ever going to pass the time! :)
Through those experiences I've learned what you're talking about here... I can become too dependent upon those external sources to be my 'companion,' and I realize that there are so many opportunities to just be with my Daddy. Nowadays, quite often I simply turn off the radio and leave my mp3 player in my backpack and simply "be"... whether that means talking to God or just being quiet.
Joel! I love that... I like what you said about just being and not having to listen or talk to anyone, even Jesus... Sometimes just being in his presence doesn't mean we have to talk, we just are there together! Its really the way a natural relationship would be like me and my husband don't always have to be in conversation, but just being in the same room together is just enough! There isn't a pressure there that we feel forced to talk to God, and that is freedom my friend!
It's so cool how the Lord can just catch our attention with something so "small" or "simple".:0) He could throw boulders at us sometimes and we'd just keep on walkin without even a flinch, but we do something (like forget a cell phone) and all of a sudden we have a revalation!! Wow!! Thank God for his patience with us.. :o)
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